Monday, February 05, 2007

A Gore Surge?

Is Al Gore the dark horse Dem candidate of 08? Consider this story of Gore's visit to Idaho from The Hill:

Former Vice President Al Gore came to town, appearing at the Frank Church Conference on Public Affairs at Boise State University. You know, the little school with the big football team. Gore and his “Inconvenient Truth” road show sold out a 10,000-seat auditorium faster than Bruce Springsteen’s last concert there. People were actually scalping tickets in the parking lot to hear a politician talk about global warming.

Sure, the movie version has been nominated for an Academy Award and, yes, Al Gore is the biggest political name to visit the Gem State in some time. But this is a state where logging trucks rule the road, every pickup has a gun rack and an American flag decal and you can’t raise crops without gas for your tractor and fertilizer for your fields. It is a state full of those who hunt and fish, but not environmentalists

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Gore's life mission or message goes beyond being labeled an 'environmentalist'. After seeing the movie when it came out, it convinced me that Al Gore was trying to save the world. He's trying to do more than 99% of the politicians out there. But, it is not a political issue at all, although some would want think so. I firmly believe, and I know there are many who believe the same, that renewable energy is the #1 issue for humankind. It is the root of our homeland security. Al Gore has been an advocate since the start of his political career. I heard that he believes he'll be more effective by not being in office. I trust his judgement, but I'd vote for him.