But then you see this clip (that's Cameron on the right) and it all just seems pretty kooky. And shallow.
Am I the only one who didn't think of another similarly shaped object "perfect" for the human mouth...
The most interesting part of the debate on this proposal is straight people saying that such a law will decrease the value and significance of their own marriages. It must be sad to have a marriage that is so vulnerable - that the value of the marriage is prone to decrease just by a small change in the law. I pity those straights that are in this situation.
on the other hand, Bob Shrum is hardly unbiased OR known for being a good source of (how to say this without getting sued?) uhmmm, "verifiable" information.
and he and Edwards did have a bit of an ugly falling out.
Edwards was the only candidate among the three to address marriage equality in his document.
"Gay marriage is an issue I feel internal conflict about and I continue to struggle with it," he said in his questionnaire. "However, I believe the right president could lead the country toward consensus around equal rights and benefits for all couples in committed, long-term relationships."
Edwards also noted he supports "the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act provision that prevents the federal government from recognizing same-sex relationships.
In their documents, neither Clinton nor Obama addressed the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
"There's obviously some disappointment about marriage," Rosen said, referring to gay marriage, which Clinton does not support. "But they're all consistent on that issue, so that's kind of taken off the table here."
Analysts' Warnings of Iraq Chaos Detailed
Senate Panel Releases Assessments From 2003
So, after several rum and cokes, I'll tell you what's going on in Iraq. Al Qaeda is doing most of the slaughtering. They may not have been there at the beginning of the conflict, but they're there now. They've made it their business to make sure that country devolved into civil war. If your attitude is "The U.S. must leave now, because civil war will happen no matter what," you're conceding a victory to America's greatest enemy and surrending a genocide. You will no longer have the moral authority to lecture anyone on Darfur. However, if you're a Republican and you think any battle plan that orginates from this administration will work, you're conceding that your partisan interest is greater than your desire to win a war. (emphasis added)
I'll be on the Chris Matthews' show this Sunday, talking about the Clinton marriage and the JFK assassination.
Scott,Translation: The memo says DC can legally recognize SS couples married where it's legal and we don't have a clue yet on how to handle it.
Thanks for your question about whether or not the Mayor plans on releasing the Spagnoletti memo. The administration is currently reviewing the memo and still plans on releasing it. I just don’t know when.
Christopher J. Dyer
Interim Director, Office of LGBT Affairs
John F. Kennedy�s best friend for three decades was a gay man, according to a new book published in May 2007, by Avalon, the month that would have been the president�s 90th birthday. Titled, Jack and Lem: �John F. Kennedy and Lem Billings. The Untold Story of an Extraordinary Friendship;� the book documents the relationship between the two men from its beginnings at a New England prep school in 1933 until the gunfire in Dallas in 1963. The evidence presented indicates that Jack found out that Lem was gay early in the friendship. Despite his own heterosexuality, however, Jack didn�t reject Lem. On the contrary, the friendship grew and survived against the odds.
It's curious that she kept city officials in the dark. If she had questions, why not get in touch with Mr. Fenty? In any event, why is it Ms. Landrieu's business how Washington chooses to govern its public schools? Her interference may result in school repairs going undone and positions going unfilled -- or, as Ms. Norton put it, children being caught in the middle.BTW, since Mary is sooooo concerned about the people of DC, if you live here and have concerns about potholes, trash pickup, local crime, etc., her number is (202)224-5824.
Here's how one mother expressed it to researchers from Georgetown University and the University of Arkansas: "Before . . . his grades were below average, and for the first time he made the honor roll . ..
In her speeches on gay issues, Clinton talks about "equal rights" for gay couples, but support for UAFA would be a concrete way to put some leadership where her rhetoric is.
It was common that Roman householders would use their slaves for sex. It was also common for Roman soldiers far from home to have a male sexual companion with them. The centurion and the slave boy were probably sexual partners....the centurion probably fell in love with the young man....
Undoubtedly, Jesus was a ware of such things...So it seems to be a case where Jesus actually accounted for a loving homosexual relationship. Jesus' reaction is instructive. He commended the faith of the centurion and returned the young man to the centurion in good health.
By the way, I’ve finally become convinced, despite my earlier misgivings, that God does indeed answer prayers. Just a week before he died, in that same Amanpour interview, Falwell prayed for another 20 years on Earth to finish the work of Liberty University.
At least now we know who God was listening to.
Though the space mission is probably 30 years off, the trek was scheduled to begin Monday outside the city of Tampico. A 60-ton crane was to lower a giant orange robot dubbed "Clementine" into what is believed to be the deepest flooded sinkhole in the world.
A word of advice before even pondering your selections or making a party purchase… Find out what is appropriate attire for the gathering. If the invitation does not make it crystal clear, ask your host. Now we can tackle the business of what to wear.
For casual events, nice cotton or linen trousers are comfortable, as are a nice pair of cotton or linen shorts. Please note – linen wrinkles so easily (Taffeta Darling). So if you are not keen on being wrinkled before you even leave the house, stick to cotton. You may ponder white pants. Yes, white pants. Or a daring plaid pant is nice when paired with the right shirt – just be certain it is a solid color in a complimentary shade from your plaid pants. Fabric - Make certain it is nice and soft – certain fabrics beg to be touched. Plus they obviously feel better on YOUR skin.
Shirts… Ditch the sleeveless tank. Leave something to the imagination – and leave the sleeveless look for the beach. Try a nice polo (again, linen breathes nicely so try it out) or a nice soft cotton tee shirt. Graphic images and logos can be fun, but I tend to shy away with items screaming where they came from. Nobody needs to be a blatant label queen and no one cares that you paid way too much for that Prada. Keep it simple so that your timeless good taste allows you to be the star.
Shoes – Leave the flip flops for washing the car. Get a nice pair of loafers or comfortable sandals (but not those over-sized Sketcher things – leave those for the kids. Get a nice pair of Keens, or try some driving shoes by Cole Haan. There are also some fun shoes out there that are a little more playful by Puma or Diesel.
Going to a more formal summer gathering? Again, find out from your host what is appropriate. A nice lightweight cotton pinstriped pant is nice with a matching blazer (two or three button) and a solid tailored shirt. Think Southern Gentleman charm. It’s classic. Shoes – A nice leather sandal will work or even a loafer or slip on.
Above all – check the dress code so you are not over or under dressed. Be comfortable and be yourself!
Hi -- In a Washington Blade article dated November, 25, 2005 Lou Chibbarro writes, "Brown and Fenty said they would release the Spagnoletti memo immediately after becoming mayor."
The Spagnoletti memo, as I'm sure you know, is the opinion of former DC Attorney General Robert Spagnoletti on whether District law would permit the city to recognize gay marriages performed in Massachusetts and other jurisdictions.
I hadn't heard that the memo has been released, and Mr. Fenty has been Mayor now for five months. When is he going to release the memo, or has he gone back on his word to the gay community? Or did the Blade get it wrong?
Thanks for clarifying this issue for me.
While oil companies make about 13 cents on a gallon of gasoline, the federal government makes 18.4 cents (the federal tax) and California's various governments make 40.2 cents (the nation's third-highest gasoline tax). [House Speaker Nancy] Pelosi's San Francisco collects a local sales tax of 8.5 percent -- higher than the state's average for local sales taxes.
In 2003, [openly gay reporter Jeffrey] Kofman's honesty created something of a minor national incident in the U.S. After his World News Tonight report from Iraq on troop morale — which included one soldier calling for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld — Matt Drudge briefly printed the headline, "ABC News Reporter Who Filed Troops Complaint Story — Openly Gay Canadian," linked to an interview Kofman did with national gay magazine The Advocate. Drudge later claimed the story was slipped to him by an overeager White House staffer, presumably in a misguided attempt to discredit Kofman.
In reassessing the war, in other words, the moral cost to America must come into the equation. The Iraq war has removed for a generation the concept of the U.S. military being an unimpeachable source of national honor. It has infringed civil liberties. It has legalized and institutionalized torture as a government tool - and helped abuse and brutality metastasize throughout the field of conflict. To be sure, abuse of captives always happens in wartime. What's different now is that the commander-in-chief has authorized and legitimized it, and so the contagion has spread like wildfire. The tragedy is that none of this will help us actually win this war. By alienating so many Iraqis, the occupation has badly damaged American soft-power in the world. It has alienated many allies. It has exhausted the military itself. It has failed to quell an insurgency. History also teaches us that success against such an insurgency in such a country would require over a decade of a brutal war of attrition.
The question we have to ask is: if this is the way we achieve victory, what kind of country would America be at the end of it? To paraphrase Robert Bolt, it profit a man nothing if he gain the whole world and lose his soul. But for Iraq?
The question I'd like to see presidential candidates address is how we move back from this precipice that Bush has led us to? Is it possible to go back?
But in an interview with the Blade this week, Shays said he has reconsidered his stance on gay rights.
“Gays and lesbians don’t want special rights,” he said. “They want the same as other Americans: equal protection under the law. They deserve no less.”
“My views on gay marriage have evolved since I voted for the Defense of Marriage Act,” he said. “At the time I thought I would not support gay marriages. But after watching the coverage of marriages being performed in states like California and New York, I have started to feel differently.”
“I look at these marriages and wonder how they impact in any way the marriage I have with my wife."
"I don’t think people need to fear this type of union. I recognize two people of the same sex can be involved in a loving, long-term relationship and feel no less love for one another than partners in a heterosexual relationship. Our challenge is to find a way to recognize a legally binding contractual relationship between two consenting adults of the same sex.”