Friday, June 22, 2007

Defending Hillary

Good god. First I comment favorably on Hillary's Sopranos video, now I'm about to defend her. Someone send me the nearest shrink, stat!

Ron Fournier, AP political writer for the last 1000 years, writes a story about Hillary's rhetorical slickness, which includes this:

She told the crowd Tuesday that she had been calling for a troop withdrawal "for some time," not mentioning that her rivals have held that position for a longer period.

As a writer, I recognize that construct works well. But, come on: no other candidate would say something like "I believe X, but my opponents have believed it longer and they thought of it first." Hillary may indeed be as slippery as Bill, but sloppy reporting like this doesn't help make the case.


Cardinal said...

You're not fooling anyone with that "I dont like Hillary" pose. We all know you're a Hill-fan from way back.

Paul Levinson said...

Hey, it was a funny video - almost as good as Obama Girl ... Hillary-Sopranos v. Obama Girl