Monday, October 09, 2006

10 Points on Foley

1) I was remembering when Monicagate was in full tilt the Dems defense of Clinton was that what Slick Willie did with his willie was a "personal" matter. There are some paralells between Foley and Clinton -- both were in a position of superior age and power over much younger subordinates, both used that position to manipulate the underlings and some of this occurred in the workplace.

2) One difference is that, thus far, there is no criminal wrongdoing evidenced in the Foley matter (just wrongful behavior). Clinton perjured himself by lying to a grand jury.

3) The Dems said to look the other way then, but demand accountability from Republicans now. Hmm. As pride goeth before a fall, so too do convictions fall before a close election.

4) The reason the Monica affair didn't prove to be Clinton's undoing is that everyone knew he was a womanizing scamp and elected him anyway.

5) But the Republicans have won elections based in part to be the party of moral virtue. That worm seems to be turning, as according to the WashPo today:

More of those polled, 42 percent, now say they trust Democrats to do a better job handling moral values than Republicans; 36 percent favored Republicans on the values question.
6) The other difference has everything to do with this being about gay sex. Andrew Sullivan has been publishing song lyrics and other references in pop culture that celebrate older men taking on with much younger women, including adolescents. Bill Clinton can be tarnished with the relatively mild epithet, "philanderer," while the word used to describe essentially the same actions by a gay man is the much harsher "pederast" or "pedophile." Straight men chasing after girls, "aw shucks, guys will be guys." Gay men chasing after boys? Lock em up!

7) I think both Clinton's and Foley's actions were wrong and disgusting. Both abused their positions and the object of their desire's youth and lack of status to get sex from them. Both did so while on the public payroll and in the public workplace. Clinton deserves as much condemnation for it as does Foley.

8) The only heroes emerging from this sorry affair are the gay Republican staffers on the Hill. From what we know so far, it was they who raised the alarm about Foley repeatedly. It was their elected bosses who looked the other way. Now the official GOP is trying to use these staffers as scapegoats. Those who tried to be accountable are being victimized by those who don't want to be accountable for anything.

9) It's for this last reason Congress needs to change party control. Not so much because I think the Dems will do a better job, but because voters need to send a strong message demanding accountability. We've had no accountability on anything from the party in power in Washington, from WMDs, Iraq, Abu Grahib, Katrina, lobbying, spending and now sexual predators among the ranks.

10) Sometimes a smaller issue -- like the Foley scandal -- becomes a proxy for larger ones. I think that's happening here. The Foley affair casts a clear light on all the faultlines that have led to the larger calamities facing our country. And perhaps that will be the good that comes out of this.

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