Thursday, October 05, 2006

Lock 'Em Up and Throw Away the Key the Bush-Cheney Way!

Remember that law that passed that gives the Administration the power to declare anyone an unlawful enemy combatant, lock em up - waterboard them if necessary -- and throw away the key?

Keep that in mind as you consider this story:

A Denver man, Steven Howards, was arrested after he expressed a negative opinion of the war in Iraq to Vice President Dick Cheney. Howard Kurtz picks up the story in his blog in today's WashPo online:

"So what happened here? Howards said yesterday that he was taking his eight-year-old son to a piano lesson two hours west of Denver when he saw Cheney at an outdoor mall. Howards then approached within several feet of Cheney and said something like, 'I think your policies in Iraq are reprehensible.' Howards says he then went on his way. The Times continues:

"About 10 minutes later, he said, he was walking back through the area when Agent Reichle handcuffed him and said he would be charged with assaulting the vice president. Local police officers, acting on information from the Secret Service, according to the suit, ultimately filed misdemeanor harassment charges that could have resulted in up to a year in jail .

"The charges were ultimately dropped by the local DA. But why was the man arrested in the first place? Who ordered him arrested?"

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