Obama: 32%
Hillary: 25%
Edwards: 24%
Obama still has to get his people to Caucus, but this was not news I was expecting.
Here's more on the poll results, according the Obama campaign:
"The findings mark the largest lead of any of the Democratic candidates in the Register's poll all year, underscoring what has been a hard-fought battle among the three well-organized Iowa frontrunners."
"Obama's rise is the result in part of a dramatic influx of first-time caucusgoers, including a sizable bloc of political independents. Both groups prefer the Illinois senator...."
Like I said, he has to get these people to the Caucus, and it's going to be a raucous caucus.
I am encouraged.
One Iowa poll out of four for 12/29/07 show Obama ahead. Three don't. One shows him behind by more points than your selected poll shows him ahead. Isn't that interesting? Just trying to keep you honest, to paraphrase CNN.
How was I dishonest? I said the DMR showed him ahead and gave the spread. Exactly what was factually untrue about that?
I also didn't make the claim that other polls didn't have other results.
BTW -- the DMR accurately predicted the outcome in 04. That's also a fact. Truthfully I don't think Obama's a shoe in and I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't first. However, I found this poll encouraging.
As I said in my post.
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