Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Tidbits from the Queens visit here yesterday:

At the British Embassy garden party yesterday, Branden Wallace, the partner of Ken Cen president Michael Kaiser, wore a kilt, and got royal notice.

Michael Kaiser waited with his partner, Branden Wallace, who wore a kilt.

"Well done" the queen told him.

Meanwhile the queen of House Democrats, in full royal swoon refused to divulge to reporters what she and the queen talked about. That would be "presumptuous" she sniffed to reporters.

Really? Hey Nancy, you're one of the most powerful elected women in the world, and no British subject...why kowtow? Did you courtesy too?

And as for this Queen...I happened to be by the British Embassy yesterday on my way home from my cousin's graduation and, unlike 16 years ago when she was last here I didn't get to see her but I did get to enjoy the traffic caused by her.

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