Triceps: The Power Behind the Push
Another tip for those whose bench is flat is to mind those triceps. That set of muscles is actually 2/3rds of the mass of your entire arm, and are critical in a strong bench press – particularly at the very beginning of the press when the bar is on your chest..
Want big guns? Want a big bench? It’s time to inaugurate triceps day. Or, hit them hard after a regular bench session.
Close grips flat bench (your hands should both be inside the gnurling on the bar) 3x10
Dips 3x10
Kick-backs (Scott hates these) 3x10
When you’re through with these sets, you can really fire up those babies by doing 2 sets of 50 of the triceps pushdowns with the cable machines. Don’t loaf (drape) between sets, and then get your ass down to the nearest watering hole to show the guys that pump - the pumped arms, that is – the other pump is your secret.
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