Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Anthrax Scientist

I'd like to think the FBI got their man in fingering Bruce Ivins as the one responsible for the deadly anthrax attacks after 9/11. The evidence certainly portrays him as psychotic, going back a long time.

But wait a minute. How'd the guy get a security clearance from the Army, who employed him? This crazy guy who made death threats about poisoning people was given access by our government to some of the most dangerous substances known to man?

Or, to put it another way: You can be denied a security clearance if you love someone of the same sex. But threaten to poison your girlfriend? Hey -- here's the anthrax!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually... we've been allowed to have security clearances since 1995 (See EO 12986 Sec. 3.1(c-d)). I have a TS level. Being closeted actually makes you more vulnerable than being out. I've heard of people going to drastic measures to ensure their program doesn't get cut.. but to release anthrax to show you need to keep funding vaccine research is unconscionable. They probably didn't revoke his clearance right away because of the lack of charges. It most likely would have been revoked immediately upon being charged. The mental illness/therapy/treatment aren't immediate dis qualifiers from a clearance anymore either. I do hope the FBI has it right this time! -BV