Saturday, August 23, 2008

Denver Bound and General Catch Up

I am packed, the alarm is set for 4:30 a.m. (Hillary will have already beat me by 90 minutes) and I'm ready for Denver.

Except I have a bloody cold. Aren't summer colds the worst?

Anyway, since I'm going to the GOP convention too, and over Labor Day weekend the LTR will be in Ohio celebrating his older brother and his sister-in-law's 25th Wedding Anniversary, this was our last day together for over two weeks. We planned a bike ride for today. To prepare, I didn't ride into work yesterday so I could recover and be ready for a long ride.

Problem. My bike was stolen this morning. My fault. I brought some stuff home from the office to take to Denver and early this morning I went to the garage to get it out of the jeep. I guess I didn't close the garage door, for about 45 minutes later I noticed it was open and some free-lance socialist had taken my bike.

F word inserted here.

So, instead of going for a bike ride together, we went shopping for a new bike for me together. I won't be able to enjoy it until after the GOP convention. But it will be here waiting for me.

I'm feeling bad I won't see the LTR for more than two weeks...and that I'll miss the 25th anniversary party. The LTR's oldest brother and his wife are the first members of his family I met. His sister in law was pregnant with the LTR's niece when we did meet. She is now a beautiful young woman. So much time...and so little time.

And to the MFer who stole my bike -- you won't enjoy it as much as I did. And by the way -- I was going to take it to the shop after the ride today to get the front wheel hub replaced while I was gone. You better do that soon-- or you may be in for a nasty surprise on a steep hill very soon.

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