Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's 3 A.M. and It's Biden on Your Phone

At least in a text message.

In delicious irony the Obama campaign apparently scrambled to get out the word that the pick was Biden after it leaked to the media -- sending out their much anticipated text message announcement at 3 a.m.

You remember 3 a.m.? Hillary does.

I'm happy with the pick -- Biden struck me as a pragmatist on Iraq and seems to have his eyes fixed on U.S. security interests in the region. I've been arguing to my Republican friends (and yes, I have them) that Obama is a pragmatist. The Biden pick reconfirms that.

Biden, the Senator from Delaware, commutes from home to DC on Amtrak. I've seen him on the Metroliner. I like that.

But what's up with Yahoo? The headline on the Yahoo email login page this morning was "Biden pick a sign of weakness." Add that to my growing list of reasons to abandon my Yahoo email account.


Gilahi said...

I dropped Yahoo long ago. It got to the point that it seemed like they were making changes and doing things with the express purpose of pissing me off. I'm an iGoogle guy now and I really like it.

Note how you post something of enormous political import and I manage to home in on the really trivial stuff?

Scott said...

I'm just glad someone reads this crap.

Anonymous said...

It's a stupid headline. The VP choice is always meant to balance the ticket, so you could cast any VP choice as a "sign of weakness" if you wanted to. I do hope Biden will help bring a more aggressive egde to the ticket.

Jenn said...

I think Biden fills in beautifully where Obama leaves off. They'll be powerful together.